Installing and loading packages
library(ggplot2) # graphics library
Problem 1: \(N(0,1)\)
- Let us pick sample size \(n=10\). Let \(X\sim N(0,1)\).
- Repeat the following \(10,000\) times:
- Draw a random sample \(X_1,\dots,X_n\) from the normal density \(f(x)\).
- For \(k\in\{1,3,5,9,10\}\), compute the \(k\)-th statistic \(y_k\).
- Plot the histogram of \(y_k\) for each \(k\).
f <- function(n.sim, n, k=1:n, p=pnorm, d=dnorm, r=rnorm, name, ...) {
if (missing(name)) name <- ""
k <- sort(unique(k))[1 <= k & k <= n]
# Perform the simulation.
sim <- apply(matrix(r(n.sim*n, ...), nrow=n), 2, sort)[k, , drop=FALSE]
# Plot the requested order statistics.
for (i in 1:length(k)) {
# Plot the empirical distribution.
hist(sim[i, ], freq=FALSE,
sub=paste(n.sim, "iterations with sample size", n),
main=paste(name, "order statistic", k[i]))
# Set up to simulate and display the results.
n.sim <- 1e4
# Study Normal order statistics.
f(n.sim, 10, c(1,3,5,9), name="Normal(0,1)")
Problem 2: \(Gamma(1.5,5)\)
- Let us pick sample size \(n=25\). Let \(X\sim Gamma(1.5,5)\).
- Repeat the following \(10,000\) times:
- Draw a random sample \(X_1,\dots,X_n\) from the normal density \(f(x)\).
- For \(k\in\{2,4,16,24\}\) compute the \(k\)-th statistic \(y_k\).
- Plot the histogram of \(y_k\) for each \(k\).
# Set up to simulate and display the results.
n.sim <- 1e4
# Study Gamma order statistics.
# This illustrates how to use `f` for general distributions.
f(n.sim, 25, c(2, 4, 16, 24), name="Gamma(1.5,5)",
p=pgamma, d=dgamma, r=rgamma, shape=1.5, scale=5)
Sourced from whuber, Simulating order statistics, URL (version: 2017-04-13): see post