
Some of the notes for course materials on Applied Computational Statistics for Analytics, ITMD/ITMS/STAT 514 offered at Illinois Tech.


The course materials were developed during Fall 2020 and Spring 2021. Future updates will be posted as the course evolves.

Course info

Here is the course homepage for Spring 2021, which contains the course syllabus, topics, and more information, as well as:

Types of files


Week 1 - Reasoning with data / framework for viewing data

Week 2 - Types of random variables, measures of location and scale, basic summary statistics

Week 3 - Sampling distributions

Work through bar graphs and histograms worksheets in both R and Python. Once you see the word ‘binning’, you can come back to this step and also walk through the binning worksheet. These are linked from one of our reference texts.

Week 5 - Sampling distributions: location parameters

Week 6 - Sampling distributions - location and scale parameters

Week 7 - Quantile plots & overview of EDA

Note: additional notes on quantiles definitions are included in the first 25 minutes of the lecture video.

Week 8 - Confidence intervals

Week 9 - overflow & midterm

Midterm exam & oral exam meetings & lecture time overflow.

Week 10 - Hypothesis testing and p-values

Week 11 - Introduction to statistical learning and learning&estimation tradeoff

Week 12 - Model accuracy and intro to regression

Week 13 - Regression: diagnostics and extnesions

Study tip (if you have notes from spring 2021): compare page 5 of notes from week 12 regression to lats page of notes from week 13. We ask/then answer the 7 questions about designing a marketing plan!

Week 14 - Regression - the whole story w/ example

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Week 15 - Crossvalidation and why


This folder and all the documents. within it is created by Sonja Petrovic for ITMD/ITMS/STAT 514, Spring 2021, at Illinois Tech.

While the course materials are generally not to be distributed outside the course without permission of the instructor, all materials posted on this page are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License